
Together, come up with a sustainable Business Strategy and implement concrete Business Development activities for long-term success.

Your business is doing well – you're successful, ambitious, focused on the future and you have a clear strategy. It seems so easy. But is it? Well, not entirely.

Because the world around you never stops changing. Of course, this is a cliché, and as an entrepreneur you understand this better than anyone. But let's be honest: how often do you check whether your carefully formulated goals and strategies are still relevant and realistic? Lack of time and day-to-day pressure often mean you never get around to it.

That’s a pity, because by regularly stepping back and taking a good look at your long-term vision and strategy, you can identify – or even create – the best market opportunities.
But that takes time and attention. And while you understand business and your own company, it also takes a fresh pair of eyes. I can help you realise your business growth ambitions with incisive analyses, by formulating a clear and sustainable vision and putting that advice into practice. Axa Novi analyses, defines and implements.

That's what Axa Novi does. We realise lasting, concrete improvements in your business performance together.

Axa Novi offers 4 services

Business strategy

Business strategy gives direction to your company. A strategy indicates how you want to realise your mission and vision.
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Business development

Business Development is about growth, growth opportunities, and deals with all activities aimed at discovering and realising new business opportunities.
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Internationalisation is a theme that is high on the agenda of many companies. It offers opportunities for growth and, as a Business Development activity, can contribute to positive development.
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Interim professional

Axa Novi is also the right place for interim assignments at board level in the areas of business development, business strategy, marketing and sales.
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Get in touch with Bart

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With more than 20 years of international experience in general management, marketing, sales and business development, I can provide maximum support to other companies in these areas and thereby realise your growth ambitions. 

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